Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 5:30
Los Angeles
We are a law firm operating in California
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About the practice area

As a firm, we are driven to leverage our legal skills in support of wealth building for communities and impact causes. We pride ourselves on our ability to help clients who consider impact, inclusion, and broader stakeholders as part of their success. We work with clients to form and manage social purpose corporations, benefit corporations, and non-profit organizations, and to think broadly about ownership and financing strategies that align with their social impact goals.

We counsel clients on how to acknowledge and incorporate multiple stakeholders whom our clients wish to ensure have a say in corporate decisions. We have special expertise and experience in supporting community-oriented or impact-minded enterprises seeking non-traditional capital and creative relationships with their investors. We have also served as special securities counsel on cooperative and alternative economy projects. As a result of our corporate and securities law expertise, clients turn to us for creative legal structures for ownership, governance, and fundraising.

We also have substantial experience advising cooperatives, such as worker-owned, consumer-owned, and multi-stakeholder cooperative businesses. In addition, we handle employee buyouts and cooperative conversions wherein we advise on the purchase of existing businesses to employees.

Our firm is a member of the California Center for Cooperative Development (CCCD). Our attorneys have presented on range of cooperative legal matters publicly, including at programs organized by CCCD, the Sustainable Economies Law Center, Cooperative Professionals Guild, Collective ReMAKE, LA Co-op Lab, UCLA School of Law, Project Equity, and the National Lawyers Guild.